Wired indoor detector PIR made by Orisec. Installation height 1.8 m - 3.1 m. Detection range 15m x 90 ° ...
Wired indoor detector PIR made by Orisec. Installation height 1.8 m - 3.1 m. Detection range 15m x 90 ° ...
πίνακας + πληκτρολόγιο + πλακέτα
Συμβατικός πίνακας πυρανίχνευσης 2 ζωνών της Jade Bird. Συμβατός με τους συμβατικούς ανιχνευτές, MCP της Jade Bird και ά ...
Συμβατικός πίνακας πυρανίχνευσης 4 ζωνών της Jade Bird. Συμβατός με τους συμβατικούς ανιχνευτές, MCP της Jade Bird και ά ...
Conventional visible smoke detector C-112 + Mounting base C-165
SET Detector C-112 + Base C-165 + Base Kit A-161
Conventional 2 conductor thermal/thermal detector from Jade Bird C-107 + C-165 Mounting Base
Conventional 2 conductor thermal/thermal detector from Jade Bird C-107 + Mounting Base C-165 + Base Kit A-161
Surface mount moisture sensor, grey
Wired indoor detector with dual technology made by Orisec.
New wired outdoor backplate sounder made by Orisec, 115dB with two piezo and LED strobe.
Εξωτερική polycarbonate σειρήνα , 109 dB με ένα piezo και LED strobe.