Wired indoor detector PIR made by Orisec. Installation height 1.8 m - 3.1 m. Detection range 15m x 90 ° ...
Wired indoor detector PIR made by Orisec. Installation height 1.8 m - 3.1 m. Detection range 15m x 90 ° ...
πίνακας + πληκτρολόγιο + πλακέτα
Συμβατικός πίνακας πυρανίχνευσης 2 ζωνών της Jade Bird. Συμβατός με τους συμβατικούς ανιχνευτές, MCP της Jade Bird και ά ...
Συμβατικός πίνακας πυρανίχνευσης 4 ζωνών της Jade Bird. Συμβατός με τους συμβατικούς ανιχνευτές, MCP της Jade Bird και ά ...
Conventional visible smoke detector C-112 + Mounting base C-165
SET Detector C-112 + Base C-165 + Base Kit A-161
Conventional 2 conductor thermal/thermal detector from Jade Bird C-107 + C-165 Mounting Base
Conventional 2 conductor thermal/thermal detector from Jade Bird C-107 + Mounting Base C-165 + Base Kit A-161
Wired indoor detector with dual technology made by Orisec.
New wired outdoor backplate sounder made by Orisec, 115dB with two piezo and LED strobe.
Εξωτερική polycarbonate σειρήνα , 109 dB με ένα piezo και LED strobe.
Outdoor Double-Beam Active Infrared Detector 80m