The NXG-220 adds by default 20 supervised hardwired zone inputs to the xGen range of panels.
The NXG-220 adds by default 20 supervised hardwired zone inputs to the xGen range of panels.
OutGate A is a detector that uses passive infrared and microwave k-band (24.250 Ghz) to report alarm conditions tested i ...
Gate Control A is a detector that uses passive infrared and microwave k-band (24.250 Ghz) to report alarm conditions tes ...
Wired indoor detector with dual technology made by Orisec.
The backplate of the ES-230 siren.
The backplate of the ES-430 siren.
The backplate of the ES-530 siren.
New wired outdoor backplate sounder made by Orisec for horizontal installation, at 115dB with two piezo, a backlight an ...
New wired outdoor backplate sounder made by Orisec for Vertical installation, at 115dB with two piezo and LED strobe. ...
New wired outdoor backplate sounder made by Orisec, 115dB with two piezo and LED strobe.
Υβριδικός πίνακας συναγερμού της Orisec, με ενσωματωμένη μονάδα PSTN για επικοινωνία με το ΚΛΣ και για φωνη ...
Υβριδικός πίνακας συναγερμού της Orisec, με ενσωματωμένη μονάδα PSTN για επικοινωνία με το ΚΛΣ και για φωνητική ομιλ ...