Receives and retransmits signals from ''Learn Mode'' sensors, touchpads, and other repeaters to increase the distance a ...
Receives and retransmits signals from ''Learn Mode'' sensors, touchpads, and other repeaters to increase the distance a ...
Ασύρματ o ς δέκτης τύπου modular ο οποίος ενσωματώνεται στους πίνακες συναγερμού της ORISEC CP -10/ CP ...
The door/window transmitters can be installed on doors, windows or virtually anything that opens and closes. During norm ...
Wireless Temperature Accessory for EnviroAlert EA800 or EA800-ip
The door/window transmitters can be installed on doors, windows or virtually anything that opens and closes. During norm ...
wireless multi-function sensor
Πλ ακέτα PSTN module από τη σειρά μονάδων επικοινωνίας της Orisec . Εύκολη σύνδεση και διαμόρφωση για μονή διαδ ...
Νέος ασύρματος πομπός με 4 κουμπιά και 8 προγραμματιζόμενες λειτουργίες από την Orisec .
The shock sensor detects vibrations made by an intruder trying to break a window or a door. Used in combination with the ...