Wireless indoor siren 868 MHz Gen2
Wireless indoor siren 868 MHz Gen2
Dual motion sensor 868 MHz Gen2
Interlogix motion sensors have the most advanced and sophisticated optics in the security industry. The EV1012 and EV012 ...
Aritech motion sensors have the most advanced and sophisticated mirror optics in the security industry. This unique opti ...
Ασύρματος ανιχνευτής διπλής τεχνολογίας (mircrowave + pir ), εξωτερικού χώρου, τύπου κουρτίνας με μέγιστο εύρος ανίχνε ...
Aritech motion sensors have the most advanced and sophisticated mirror optics in the security industry. This unique opti ...
Ceiling/Wall Bracket For 400, 500, 700 and 1000 series detector
The shock sensor detects vibrations made by an intruder trying to break a window or a door. Used in combination with the ...
Aritech motion sensors have the most advanced and sophisticated mirror optics in the security industry. This unique opti ...
Wireless PIR 12m 433-80plus
Wireless PIR 16m 433-80plus