Wireless bell / Push button by ORISEC Black.
Wireless bell / Push button by ORISEC Black.
Bunker Seguridad, manufacturer of perimeter security systems based on infrared towers and photoelectric beams or infrare ...
Bunker Seguridad, manufacturer of perimeter security systems based on infrared towers and photoelectric beams or active ...
Module επέκτασης 10 ενσύρματων ζωνών , συμβατό με τους πίνακες CP-20 / CP-60 της Orisec.
10 Zones 10 Outputs (Switch to 0V @ 100mA) On-board Piezo 16 Ohm Loudspeaker Driver/Output Progr ...
Self-standing single-sided tower for the installation of Optex & Takex photoelectric detectors, height 0,5 m. Mounts ...
10 Zones Stylish Housing Screw tamper Temperature sensor
Ασύρματ o ς δέκτης τύπου modular ο οποίος ενσωματώνεται στους πίνακες συναγερμού της ORISEC CP -10/ CP ...
Self-standing single-sided tower for the installation of Optex & Takex photoelectric detectors, height 1 m. Mounts t ...