Receives and retransmits signals from ''Learn Mode'' sensors, touchpads, and other repeaters to increase the distance a ...
Receives and retransmits signals from ''Learn Mode'' sensors, touchpads, and other repeaters to increase the distance a ...
10 Zones Stylish Housing Screw tamper Temperature sensor
Double Push Panic Button PADP2
Ασύρματ o ς δέκτης τύπου modular ο οποίος ενσωματώνεται στους πίνακες συναγερμού της ORISEC CP -10/ CP ...
The door/window transmitters can be installed on doors, windows or virtually anything that opens and closes. During norm ...
AT&T LTE Cellular Communicator for International
The door/window transmitters can be installed on doors, windows or virtually anything that opens and closes. During norm ...
If you encounter range problems for 868Gen2Transmitters in a building, you can extend the range with this repeater. It ...